Thursday, 28 February 2013

For the Welsh in general and my wonderful Welsh friends in particular

It seems it is all too easy these days for the Welsh to become the punchline to cheap shots by lazy comedians. So I wanted to celebrate my Welsh friends. Here's a little poem for them.


Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus
A celebration of my friends who are Welsh on their special day.
Here’s to the celtic children;
the blessed of Dewi Sant.
Singers of songs and
weavers of harmony.
For those born with a kiss of
poetry in their souls and
dragon fire
in their bellies.
For the hookers and flankers,
the ones that cheer them on.
For those who rage with Thomas
And those still sad he’s gone.
Wearer of leek and daffodil,
alchemists of word and art.
This poem is my love spoon.
Place it close to your heart.


  1. This is beautiful! I'm not Welsh. I haven't got a single drop of Welsh blood in me, but this poem brought a tear to my eye. I'm so going to share it on FB and Twitter today!

    Karyn Romeis
