Friday, 10 May 2013

FA Cup Poem

This is a poem for the most overlooked yet vital contributor to the game of all time. The game's named after him but he hardly ever gets any credit. The players hog the limelight, so to right that wrong, putting him centre stage (or centre circle) is a poem for the football.

Have a great day whoever you're supporting!
Mark x

The Ball
The match can’t start without me
And though I’m not a star,
Millions will watch my every move
Live, at home and in bars.
I’ll play the full match, not a second’s rest
From kick-off to added time.
I can be knocked long, short, even square
Or made to spin on a dime.
I can be struck, I can be headed,
I can be trapped or be still.
The first touch always tells me
If a player is average or skilled.
I can be bent, I can fly true
I can break hearts in a beat.
I can be the difference between
Glory and ignoble defeat.
I have been leather, I have been laced
I’ve been treasured when signed.
I’ve caused many an argument
About whether I’ve crossed a line.
I’m every shot, I’m every goal
I’m the cause of both joy and tears.
I will be the one who decides
Just where the Cup lives this year.

After a little rest...

..and the splurge of writing (splurge should be the official collective noun of writing. For writers I would suggest "blurb") in April for National Poetry Writing Month, I'm back.

The normal routine of schools visits, libraries etc has resumed. I had a lovely time talking about myself and my work and it was a pleasure to meet other writers.

I'm leading a poetry walk this weekend, and next week sees me in full ceremonial duty as the Mayoral year ends for Cllr Morris and starts for Cllr Brian White.

So here is a little poem about our capricious British weather.

The weather is back to miserable
Rain and wind make an awful blend
I hope you enjoyed the summer
(Those 2 warm days we had last weekend)!

Keep writin' and recitin'

Mark x